Chapter Videos

Chapter 2
Page 29. Recognize your emotions.
" Learning to identify and express a full range of emotions is the basic foundation for emotional self-care."
- Dr. Julie Hanks.
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Chapter 3
Pages 46-47. Emotional Tornados.
What has caused Rory to spiral into an emotional tornado? Are her feelings valid? Why or why not? What things does she do to represent that she is indeed exper...

Chapter 4
Pages 87-88. Faith.
Elder Bednar tells us that faith is a spiritual gift but we have to be doing our part to put ourselves in a position to receive this gift. What's the first thing he says we...

Chapter 5
Pages 117-119. Emotional Boundaries.
Auggie unravels into an emotional tornado. Is what he is feeling a normal thing to feel in this instance? Who is he throwing debris at? What can you learn ...

Chapter 1
Page 17. Who are you?